Rotation: (rotación)
Something that move by them own.
Rotation Length: (Duración de la rotación)
How long it takes to do one rotation.
Prime Meridian: (Primer Meridiano)
the time in the earth when you go over that will be other day in that place.
International Date Line: (Linea Internacional de el Tiempo)
The time that start by zero.
Greenwich Meridian: (Meridiano de Greenwich)
Greenwich means time (GMT) the line on the earth middle line was the line start part that was 24 hours around the world.
Longitude: (Longitud)
When something increases or degrease.
Basically we are going to talk about time. Standard time zone is going to explain us where the time starts. How the time go on, what direction this is going positive or negative. Actually is something not hard to understand.
We know that Rotation length is time and how many hours we have per day and how many axis the world is divided in 24 hours. 24 spaces Longitude everyone knows that we have different times around the world, each hour the earth turns around 15 degrees that means the earth will move 15 degrees The prime Meridian start by 0 that means 0 time, if that turns to the right that means the time will turn positive but if the time turns to the left that means negative. The international date line is locate at 180 degrees that's why the world turns 360 degrees in one day, The Greenwich means time (GMT) and this is located in Greenwich England. If you cross the the international date line you will be one more day or back in time, it depends in what direction are you flying.
How is earth affected by movement (revolution)?
The four seasons of winter, spring, summer, and fall. our 365 days long are affects of the earth's revolution. The earth revolves around the sun. It takes the earth 365 days to do this. and this also causes day and night.
1. What did you must enjoy about this project and why?
Everything about this project was really nice to do, worked with Jin and make a video was really nice :)
2. What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
Record the voice for the video.
3. What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
How to make a video and actually I learned a lot about standard time zones.
4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
Next time we can make a Really nice video but we also need more time.
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