Sunday, November 24, 2013


 Earth's Interior                                                      Earth's  has three types of spheres 
Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere

*Lithosphere is the solid part of the earth.

*Hydrosphere is the liquid part of the earth.

*Atmosphere is the gas part of the earth. 

Let me give you and explanation, Lithosphere is the part that we are living, solid like rocks, lands or every place that you can build something on, Hydrosphere is the liquid, Sea for example where fish and  all kind of aquatic things live or can stay on like boats and Atmosphere is the gas part of the earth that means Air, you breath air that's our atmosphere.

Litosfera, hidrosfera, atmósfera.
Литосферы, гидросферы, атмосферы.
الغلاف الصخري والغلاف المائي والغلاف الجوي.
* Questions

what are the three types of spheres?   *Lithosphere,Hydrosphere,Atmosphere
what is lithosphere?  *the solid part of the earth
what is atmosphere?  *The gas part of the earth, air.

The Ring of Fire

The ring of fire is an area in the pacific ocean where earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are possibles to happens most of the time.
 The location is in the Pacific Ocean. 
It is important because it produce high explosion and harmfull natural desastres.

terremotos, erupciones volcánicas.
الزلازل والثورات البركانية.


what happens in the area of the Ring of fire?  *earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
where is the Ring of fire located?        
 *Pacific ocean 
Why is important the Ring of Fire?
 *Because it produce minerals and fertilizer and also the island of Hawaiian.


There is three types of Faults

Normal Fault, Reverse/Thrust, Fault & Strike~Slip Fault.
Fault are large fraction in the earth crust. Normal Faults are rocks that move down Reverse Faults are rocks that move up Strike~Slip are rocks on both sides of the fault slides that moves in different direction from each other.

Falla normal, atrás / de empuje, Falla y huelga ~ Falla Slip.
عمومی غلطی، ریورس / زور، غلطی اور ہڑتال ~ پرچی غلطی.

what are the three types of Faults? *Normal fault, Reverse fault and Strike-slip fault.
whats fault?  *are large fraction in the earth crust
what Strike-Slip is and how it work?  *are rocks on both sides of the fault slides that moves in different direction from each other.


An earthquake is what happens when two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another. 

Epicenter is directly above the focus, Focus is where an earthquake start, Seismic are the earthquake start, Seismograph is the instrument that measures earthquakes waves, Magnitude is the strength of an earthquake, P~wave moves back and forth (fast), S~wave moves up and down with slow motion, L~wave back forth, side to side. most dangerous. Tsunami tide waves.

tremblement de terre, Epicenter, Mise au point, sismique, sismographe, Magnitude.
Землетрясение, эпицентр, Фокус, сейсмической, сейсмограф, Магнитуда.
terremoto, Epicentro, Enfoque, Sísmica, Sismógrafo, Magnitud.


whats an Earthquake? *is what happens when two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past another.

whats Tsunami? *tsunami very large ocean wave caused by an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption.
Which of the waves are the most dangerous and why? *L_wave because it goes back forth, side to side.